We do not require anyone to be present at the time of delivery, but please provide a good description in the delivery notes of where you would like the goods delivered. If you require the goods to be lifted into a fenced or walled area, someone will likely need to be present to unhitch the bags once they are lifted over and lowered to the ground.
Deliveries are between 7:30am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Typical delivery timescale is 3-5 working days for local deliveries. We do not normally deliver at weekends.
You will be notified when your delivery time slot will be; however, this can be subject to change if the driver has any delivery issues prior and may run over the delivery slot. You can keep track of your delivery progress via the link in the text message you will receive from Cal Hort on the morning of your delivery. Being present for delivery is not necessary; however, if you require the bags to be lifted over a wall or fence, this then helps our driver, as he may not have access to your garden to unhook the bags on the other side of the fence.
If you wanted a delivery on a specific date, we would require a minimum of one week’s notice to accommodate your request, we will do our best to arrive on the day you ask for but circumstances outside of our control may cause delay, we do not offer a guaranteed delivery date.
We are happy to recycle and repurpose the bags on your behalf; we can collect them at the time of your next delivery, or you can drop them off at one of our facilities listed on the contact us page. Customers can also use the bags to refill with Garden clippings or cuttings and book a collection for themselves.
We can collect unused goods if the products are still in good condition and can be resold; however, we may not be able to offer a full refund for the goods because we will have incurred additional transport costs to revisit your property. We can discuss these costs with you at the time of your request.
When you place your order online, you will receive a confirmation email showing your order number. This can be used if you need to make any changes or have any questions.
We will then be in touch the evening before your delivery is scheduled to give an estimated 2-hour time slot. You will receive a text message from Cal Hort on the morning of your delivery, and you will then receive another text with an updated time, and from there you will be able to track your delivery. For further information, visit our delivery page.
This will vary depending on the product required. We have a purpose-built volume calculator on our website that can calculate your requirements by entering the area of ground you wish to cover and the depth of material you wish to lay. If you are unsure, you can also call our sales team, who will be happy to assist you.
For our 40l/20kg bags there is a minimum order of 5 bags, there is no minimum order for bulk bags. For more information visit our delivery page.
If you have placed your order via our click and collect section, you will be notified via email when your order is ready for collection. If you wish to collect on the same day as ordering, please contact one of our team members and they can check stock levels at the site you would like to collect from.
Our vehicles require a minimum of 3 metres to get onto a driveway; however, we will not drive up a new driveway as these need time to settle and can cause damage. If you have a drain on your drive, we will not attempt this either, as these are not strong enough for the weights of our vehicles. Ultimately, we classify our deliveries as kerbside, and it is at our driver’s discretion of what he feels safe doing when manoeuvring the vehicle. For more information please read our terms and conditions and delivery information.
We have a range of vehicles. Our biggest vehicle is a 26t and has a reach of 8m, then we have an 18t with a reach of 4m, 13.5t with a reach of 4-6m depending on which product. 7.5t have a reach of 4m and our 3.5t has only a reach of 1m. These vehicles carry varying loads, and compost, woodchip, and logs are much lighter than our topsoil and turf mix/top dressing, which then reduces the load size. If you want to place a large order, please call us and we will discuss the options.
We are very conscious of our carbon footprint, so we try to group our deliveries together as much as we can to avoid unnecessary travel. We use our larger vehicle for most of our journeys west of Livingston; however, this can have a negative effect as the vehicle is large and may have difficulty getting into smaller streets. Please call if you have any worries about delivery. We use our smaller vehicles for more local deliveries; however, on some of the smaller streets, we can still run into difficulties, and we do rely heavily on our driver’s discretion to do what is safe. Our smallest vehicle is great for tighter spaces; however, this vehicle cannot carry Topsoil, Turf Mix, or Top Dressing as these are too heavy.
This can be possible if you are directly next door and access is not restricted. The vehicle has legs that go down to stabilise the vehicle for moving the bags off; therefore, if there were two drops, the vehicle would have to move to the neighbour and then the legs would go down again. This can prove time-consuming, so we may charge a delivery fee for one order, and you could split that cost with your neighbour. If you are unsure about this, please email us or call.
You can add in a description of your delivery address and the What3Words location into the order notes at the checkout. This will then be passed to our drivers to help aid their delivery.