The Dangers Of Late Frost

Don’t be fooled by these sunny spring days. Despite the lovely weather, there is still time for a late frost to damage your garden. We have put together some tips to help you keep your garden safe from plummeting temperatures and frozen plants!

What is a late frost?

A late frost is a frost that occurs later in the growing season than expected, typically in spring after plants have started growing or blooming. This type of frost can be particularly damaging because many plants, especially fruit trees, flowering shrubs, and vegetables, and plants that are already in a vulnerable stage of development.

Late frosts are a significant concern for gardeners, farmers, and horticulturists, as they can damage or kill young plants, blossoms, and tender shoots, reducing crop yields and overall plant health.

What are some signs of frost damage?

Sometimes frost damage is apparent almost immediately following freezing. However, this is not always the case, and with some plants, particularly woody ones, the damage may take several months to appear. Look out for the following signs:

  1. Wilting and Drooping: One of the first indications of frost damage is leaves that appear wilted or droopy, especially in the morning. 
  2. Discoloration: Look for browning, blackening, or yellowing of leaves, particularly along the edges. 
  3. Shriveled or Crispy Leaves: Frost damage can cause leaves to become shriveled and crispy, a sign that the plant tissue has been damaged. 
  4. Leaf Drop: Frost-damaged leaves may eventually drop from the plant. 
  5. Blossom and Fruit Damage: Late frosts can damage flowers and young fruits, causing them to turn brown, limp, and mushy, or even drop prematurely. 

What causes late frost?

Ground frost occurs when the temperature of the ground falls below freezing point (0ºC/32ºF) and air frost occurs when the temperature of the air falls below freezing point.

Once the temperature has fallen below freezing, a strong wind can make a frost more damaging. Cold winds remove moisture from foliage much quicker than it can be replenished by the roots. This can cause leaf browning particularly at the tips and stems.

Newly planted, young plants can be more susceptible to frost damage than fully established specimens. Cold air naturally flows downwards on sloping ground, collecting at the lowest point or against a barrier, this is known as a frost pocket.

How can you prevent front damage?

There are a number of ways that you can prevent frost damage in your garden. For example :

  1. Mulching – Mulch acts as a natural insulator, helping to regulate soil temperature and retain moisture, which is crucial for protecting plant roots from freezing. Mulches such as our Decorative Bark, Premium Woodchip Mulch, Green Goodness and Woodchip Mulch would help protect your plants from the frost.
  2. Avoiding Frost Pockets- Choose planting locations that are not in low-lying areas or areas where cold air can pool. 
  3. Choose Plants That Can Adapt To Scottish Weather – Select plants that are well-adapted to the local climate and frost conditions. 
  4. Canopy Effect -Trees can provide a protective canopy, shielding plants below from the harshest effects of frost. 
  5. Watering Soil Before Nightfall – Moist soil retains heat better than dry soil. Watering in the evening helps radiate warmth upward, protecting plant roots and lower foliage.
  6. Creating Wind Barriers – Setting up temporary windbreaks (such as burlap screens or wooden barriers) can help reduce frost formation.
  7. Moving Potted Plants Indoors – Potted plants are more vulnerable to frost because their roots aren’t insulated by the ground. Bringing them inside or placing them in a garage or shed overnight can prevent damage.

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