Everything You Need To Know About Mulch and Mulching In

Mulching suppresses weeds, improves your soil and saves on watering and weeding over time with the added benefit of giving your borders a fresh and neat appearance. Your soil will retain water come spring and summer and mulching will protect the roots of your plants in winter. Our Caledonian Horticulture mulches also slowly release nutrients into the soil which will give your plants a better appearance and a healthier life!

How to mulch?

Apply a layer over bare soil and be careful not to smother new plants. We recommend a layer of around 2-3 inches thick. Be sure to remove weeds and water the soil before applying mulch and do not apply to frozen soil.

When should you apply mulch?

We suggest you apply mulches before spring has sprung and before weeds start to grow.
Another good time to mulch is in the autumn months as your plants die back. Our customers have seen bumper crops the year after using our Green Goodness to mulch around the base of their fruit trees in the autumn.
We also recommend mulching new plantings and new borders created at any time of year.

Our Mulches

Decorative Bark
This bark mulch is produced to a high specification and graded to give an even and decorative appearance. Excellent for weed suppression and retaining moisture in the soil.

Caledonian Garden Mulch Woodchip
Made from recycled woodchips, this mulch is a more cost effective option compared to Bark mulch. It’ll add nutrients to your soil and has similar benefits to Bark mulch such as weed suppression and moisture retention for you plants.

Caledonian Green Goodness
Our Green Goodness is a great option because it is a soil improver as well as a mulch and will add long term nutritional value to the soil. It’s also an alternative visually to the chips and bark with a rich dark more granular appearance.

Benefits Of Our Mulches

All three of our mulches:

  • Retain moisture in the soil
  • Slowly release nutrients into the soil
  • Suppress weeds
  • Reduce the need for watering
  • Warm up the soil
  • Protect roots
  • Encourage beneficial soil organisms
  • Give a decorative finish
  • Deter pests
  • Prevent soil erosion
  • Help with soil temperature and minimise the shock of winter on plants and trees which makes them healthier when spring arrives.

The following are additional benefits of using Green Goodness as a mulch:

  • Enhanced soil texture and moisture retention
  • Increased levels of organic matter
  • Increased nutrients reducing fertilizer requirements
  • Addition of soil micro-organisms and fungi which help suppress soil-bourne populations of some plant diseases
  • Reduction of soil compaction and erosion
  • Improved plant survival and growth

If you are not sure which mulch is right for you, feel free to give us a call on 0131 339 5554 and we will talk it over with you and advise you on the best plan for your garden.

1 thought on “Everything You Need To Know About Mulch and Mulching In”

  1. I am a repeat customer as I’m delighted with the quality of the Green Goodness soil improver and decorative bark. Had to wait 3 weeks for delivery (busy time) but the delivery men were really helpful and got the huge bags as close as possible to my plot. Thanks all!

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